SUPERNATURAL 9X01 - Think I'm Gonna Like It Here

After Sam collapses, his doctor tells a frantic Dean that his brother is dying; Dean tries to make a deal with an angel.

DJ: Rating - 10/10 - I felt like this was a solid premier!! The appearance of Death shook me! Sam truly considering leaving the world broke me & Dean fighting like hell to keep things in motion hit me right in the feely feels! Loved this episode. Cas STILL trying to help but getting screwed over makes me feel emotional! 

SUPERNATURAL 9X02 - Devil May Care

Sam is shocked when he learns that Dean kidnapped Crowley; Abaddon re-emerges with plans to take over hell.

DJ: Rating - 9/10 - Another really great episode! Loved seeing Crowley in the bunker, hated him manipulating Kevin but lets face it - it's Crowley, we shouldn't expect anything less haha. Poor Kevin. Sam being taken over by Ezekiel was interesting & powerful. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X03 - I'm No Angel

Dean and Sam try to protect Castiel from a group of angels; Castiel encounters surprises as he makes his way through the city.

DJ: ating - 9.5/10 - What a strong season this is becoming already! I loved seeing a Cas-centric episode. I just feel for him so much! He has constant knocks & yet still tries to help & do what he feels is right. That end scene hurt!!! Dean looked pained to say to Cas that he had to leave the bunker - after he only just arrived!!!!

SUPERNATURAL 9X04 -Slumber Party

Dean and Sam find an ancient computer which they hope to use to track angels; a magical green-webbed wall is released.  

DJ: Rating - 9/10 - Loved seeing a little glimpse of the bunker history at the beginning of this episode. Having Charlie return is always a pleasure too. Some great comedy moments in this episode which I always enjoy. Having the mix of The Wizard of Oz into this was really fun & interesting too. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X05 - Dog Dean Afternoon

Dean is afflicted with an inconvenient side effect after he and Sam cast a spell to communicate with a canine murder witness.

DJ: Rating - 9/10 - COMEDY GOLD!! This ep had me smiling so much that my cheeks hurt! Dean checking out the poodle & barking at the mail man nearly killed me off hahaha. So many funny moments - Sam giving belly rubs...I can't even-so much fun. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X06 - Heaven Can't Wait

Castiel calls Dean when he reads about a disappearance in the area; Dean tries to keep Sam distracted by asking him and Kevin to decipher the tablet with Crowley.

DJ: Rating - 8.5/10 - Another great episode this season! I'm thoroughly enjoying what I'm seeing so far! What I loved about this episode was exploring Cas being human, he is really trying to embrace humanity & set up a new life for himself. I feel for him as always as he's getting constant knock backs & kicks in the teeth! I just want him to catch a break guys!! Is that too much to ask??!! 


An old friend calls Dean and asks for help finding a ghost; Sam is stunned when information about Dean's past comes to light.

DJ: Rating - 8.5/10 - This show strikes again, hitting my tear ducts where they hurt & putting them in overdrive. As much as this was a MOTW it really struck a chord with me. I love when they do MOTWs but give the episode so much heart! It's always great to find out more about the boys' history. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X08 - Rock and A Hard Place

Sheriff Mills asks Dean and Sam for help investigating several murders in her town; after it is discovered that four victims belonged to a chastity group, Dean goes under cover.

DJ: Rating - 7/10 - That last scene made the episode worthwhile for me, as well as Jodie being present again obviously - love her. I'm worried for Sam! I don't know what Zeke is playing at but he doesn't seem to be healing Sam!! There were some funny moments in this episode, Dean talking about sex & watching all the women squirm was hilarious! 

SUPERNATURAL 9X09 - Holy Terror

As Dean and Sam investigate the scene of a massive angel slaughter, they run into Castiel; Dean considers telling Sam the truth.

DJ: Rating - 9/10 - I CANNOT EVEN! I got played! Zeke is not Zeke! He is Gadreel?? WHAT?? He attacked Kevin!!! THAT IS NOT OKAY! Why does this show kill me? Dean opening up finally & telling his truth for it to be a complete waste because iT's NOt EveN SAm!!!! I hate metatron with a passion! Dirty dog! Acting was flawless as ever this episode from the cast! Round of applause. 


Dean seeks revenge on the angel that killed Kevin; Castiel has a plan to get Sam to expel Gadreel by separating his brain from the angel's.

DJ: Rating - 9.5/10 - I LOVE THIS SHOW. Seeing Crowley, Cas & Dean all work together was a dream haha. So many good moments. I also was crippled by the brothers chat at the end! I had a lump in my throat when Dean said Kevin's blood is on his hands. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X11 - First Born

Crowley needs Dean's help finding the only blade that can take down Abbadon; Castiel notices some grace left inside Sam.

DJ: Rating - 10/10 - WHAT and also WHUT??!! Dean now has the mark?!! I cant even...He better be okay guys! Dean is appearing very scares me! Crowley totally playing me this episode as well, I thought he was scared!! Sneaky sneak! He's now on the hunt for the blade, please don't do anything cruel Crowley 

SUPERNATURAL 9X12 - Sharp Teeth

Dean and Sam find out that Garth is in the hospital and decide to go check on him; when Garth runs away from the brothers, they investigate the reason behind his disappearance.

DJ: Rating - 8.5/10 - Another great episode, season 9 is where it's at guys!! I am not complaining at the quality of these episodes this season. Garth is now a werewolf?!! Did not see that coming! It was great to see him again & to explore another 'test' in regards to the boys handling a human transforming into SPN being - let live, or hunt - etc. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X13 -  The Purge

Dean and Sam go under cover at a fancy day spa to investigate recent murders that left the victims hundreds of pounds lighter after their death.

DJ:  Rating - 8.5/10 - That end scene! Why do they do this to us on the regular?! I enjoy the honest chats, I always do, it hurts don't get me wrong but it's good to hear them talk. There will forever be a debate on this topic, who was right & who was wrong in this scenario. Personally I don't feel like there is a correct answer. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X14 - Captives

Dean and Sam learn that the Men of Letters' bunker is haunted; an investigation reveals a storage facility in which demons have been keeping something important.

DJ: Rating - 9/10 - These episodes are insane, absolute corkers! I am officially worried for Dean after that ending. I feel him drowning out his thoughts with heavy metal music is a clear sign of a struggle. The angered & hurt expression on his face just....OUCH...I cant! Sam walking off at the end then was hard! I didn't appreciate that at all. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X15 - Man's Best Friend With Benefits

The last photograph of a dead teenager reveals a ghostly figure in the background; the brothers learn that famous supernaturalists are also investigating the teen's death.

DJ:  Rating - 8/10 - The parallels in this episode between the Ghostfacers & the Winchesters were real! OUCH. Besides the painful emotional parallels, THAT MASK WAS UNCALLED FOR! Thinman can DO ONE! 0 out of 10 - would not recommend for purchase, if I saw that on halloween I'd need some new underwear! 

SUPERNATURAL 9X16 - Blade Runners

Crowley promises to find the first blade, but ends up falling off the wagon and asks Sam and Dean for help; Abaddon learns that the brothers are looking for the blade.

DJ: Rating - 9.5/10 - WOW, loved this. Crowley being Crowley yet again haha. Can't say I blame him, looked as though he was in trouble this episode-the boys were gonna go for him. Magnus - what a powerful guy, kinda seems a waste to see him die so quick but at the same time, surely he'd be way too over powered to keep around? He has all of those spells up his sleeve as well as the trinkets & knowledge etc 

SUPERNATURAL 9X17 - Mother's Little Helper

While Dean deals with the after-effects of the Mark of Cain, Sam learns of a case in which straight-laced people turn into violent killers.

DJ:  Rating - 9/10 - (I talk much more in-depth about my thoughts at the end of the video but...)YES THEN! We finally found out more about Abaddon! The fact she offered herself up to save Henry was such a good lil twist, I'm hoping more will be shared there in the future. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X18 - Meta Fiction

After Castiel rejects Metatron's offer to join forces, a surprising plan is set in motion; Gadreel is apprehended.

DJ: Rating - 9/10 - What an awesome couple of episodes we've had! I feel like all my ratings have been high this season haha. (Not a bad thing of course!) Metatron can do one!! He's so annoying haha. He needs to leave Cas alone its getting too much. He's now making Cas a leader, Castiel being used yet again! 

SUPERNATURAL 9X19 - Alex Annie Alexis Ann

After Sheriff Mills calls Sam and Dean following a run-in with a vampire, they discover vampires kidnapped a girl to use as bait to lure human victims.

DJ:  Rating - 6/10 - Sherif Mills strikes again, this character needs to be a regular already! She's great to watch & provides a lot of heart & comedy to the show. This episode wasn't the most thrilling of plot heavy episodes but it also wasn't poorly written or dull either. I was convinced they were gonna steal Jody away from me CONVINCED! I'm beyond relieved that I was wrong! 

SUPERNATURAL 9X20 - Bloodlines

Dean and Sam learn that mafia-like monster families are running the underbelly of Chicago; Ennis refuses to listen to a warning from the brothers.

DJ: Rating - 4/10  - This one felt really randomly placed to me. I explain in the breakdown of the episode but I feel if this episode was the start of a brand new show, i'd probably really like it but because it was plopped into SPN I wasn't a fan. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X21 - King Of The Damned

Castiel asks Dean and Sam to help interrogate one of Metatron's angels; Abaddon reveals her shocking bargaining chip when Crowley refuses to help kill the Winchester brothers.

DJ: Rating - 9/10 - some great development this episode! I hate to say that I’ve dropped 1 point because I was truly gutted to see Abaddon die haha. She went in a cool way though I guess. I just loved her! She was such a powerful and fierce villain! Seeing Dean so powerful and aggressive was frightening but exciting. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X22 - Stairway to Heaven

Castiel needs Sam and Dean's help after a massive attack on the angels; Sam worries about Dean's eagerness to use the first blade; a conspiracy is uncovered.

DJ: Rating - 8/10 - That scene between Cas and Dean though, my heart!! Cas really needed to hear that as did I!! I haaaaate that Cas is getting screwed over AGAIN. Why can’t he just do the right thing and it go well for once...please and thank you writers! Metatron is the WORST. 

SUPERNATURAL 9X23 - Sacrifice

As Dean feels the effects of the first blade, Metatron makes a move against humanity; Castiel, Dean and Sam are faced with shocking consequences.

DJ:  Rating - 10/10 - I AM STILL DECEASED! This episode blew my mind! At one stage it didn't quite feel like a finale & then BAM!! Everything hit me all at once. I AM SHOOKETH! So let's all discuss the obvious first shall we - DEMON DEAN, DEAN IS A DEMON?!! I still cannot wrap my head around it! 

Season 9 Bloopers

Season 9 Playlist