Pregnancy Chat | 0 - 20 weeks! 

This is just a quick vid to discuss my experience so far being pregnant. My symptoms, my feelings & my progress. Hope you enjoy.

I've been Keeping a Secret...

I've been super scared of sharing this news but I think/hope that i'm ready! If this goes well, I may share other videos like this? I'm beyond excited to continue on this journey & it's only just started! 

Pregnancy Chat 20 - 35 weeks

I filmed this 3 weeks ago, I'm now 38 weeks preggo...

I've had a rough day today with pelvic pain, swelling & a headache. I'll discuss more in a later video but i'm doing okay. Just another 2 weeks to go (hopefully less!) 

Pregnancy Chat 35 - 40 Weeks

I filmed this a while back and only just managed to edit it. It's been funny editing this now holding my baby!! I was so miserable when filming this & I couldn't be happier now! Don't get me wrong - i'm exhausted!! But, it's all worth it! My baby boy is beautiful. I will look forward to introducing him to you all soon. I just need to find the time to record the video haha. This baby malarkey is a full time job let me tell you. I'm hoping things settle down soon though :) and I can get back on track. Thanks to all you for being so understanding and so so supportive. It means the world! 

My Labour & Delivery Story

I absolutely adore my baby boy, he was born 29/01/2019 & he's the love of my life. This is a video sharing my labour & delivery as well as revealing his name & introducing him to you all :)